Saturday, December 30, 2006



Everymorning I like to drink my coffee
strong with steamed milk
I get out my small Italian expresso pot
clean it from yesterday grounds and
use cold water and freshly ground beans
I like French Roast but then I have been
known others like Sumatra or Double Expresso
My little expresso pot is just enough for me
to kick start my morning, 'the morning buzz'
it gets my juices flowing in my brain
getting me connected to the real world
I mix it with milk so I don't get over amped
in my thought process as I have lost to
many brain cells over the years to injury
and drug abuse.
Coffee to me is a ritual, a mediation,
a purpose and a reason like taking a photograph
or writing a poem or walking in the forest
I don't like cheap beans or flavors
the same way I don't like gas station capachino's
or STARBUCKS or Maxwell house or Folgers
Most coffee houses use their cheap blends
kind a like more buck for less bang
Coffee house are for social drinking without
the drunks and loud music
Now the coffee house are wired to the outside world
nobody talks anymore without being connected
I like the quiet little town of Brownsville Oregon
Most mornings the regulars gather at Randy's to
practice the art of conversation and drink cheap coffee
eat huge cinnamon rolls with sticky iceing
mixed with intellectual stimulation not provided
with the java junkies from the outside world
It's the way the cafe was meant to be
friendly with laughter and kindness
and maybe a scone or two on the side

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