Saturday, May 13, 2006


Let's just learn to "spliff" the differences
I mean why should we learn how 'roll' with the punches
Rely on our hunchs take three hour lunches
Do bananas alway come in bunches?

Let's us learn to roll up and 'spliff' the differences
Did we just give up the ghost or take a lamb to the roast
Raise sons worth a boast while my daughter's the most
And with the internet my words I do post

Yes we are the world so let's 'spliff' the differences
Is the world in a mood for a new dance
Teaching all rain dears how to prance
While taking long slow boats to France

Yes it is time for 'spliffing' the differences
Sing songs for singing and toast make it light and brown
Dance with reck less abandon with your partner the clown
Feel the heat rising from the country all way thru the town

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